Blog DreamSupport: Premium Bed Wedge Pillow for Pressure Relief and Comfort

Mon, 07/10/2023 - 22:24

Are you tired of waking up in the morning feeling stiff and sore? Have you tried everything from sleeping on your back to buying a new mattress, but still find yourself tossing and turning throughout the night? Well, fear not! There's an easy solution to your problem – a bed wedge pillow.

A bed wedge pillow is a simple yet effective tool that can help alleviate the pressure on your spine, neck, and lungs while you sleep. It elevates your upper body, allowing for better blood circulation and helping to reduce snoring and acid reflux.

So, what makes DreamSupport premium bed wedge pillow stand out from the rest? Firstly, it's all about the materials used – high-quality foam ensures durability and support. Secondly, consider the size and shape of the pillow to ensure maximum comfort. And lastly, look for additional features such as height adjustability and a removable cover for easy cleaning.

bed wedge pillow

What is a Premium Bed Wedge Pillow?

A bed wedge pillow is an orthopaedic pillow that can be used to elevate different parts of the body while sleeping. A premium bed wedge pillow, on the other hand, is a high-quality pillow that offers additional features and benefits for pressure relief and comfort. 

The materials used in DreamSupport premium bed wedge pillow play a critical role in its effectiveness. Memory foam is a popular material, as it contours to the shape of the body and provides excellent support. Other materials include latex foam, gel-infused foam, and traditional polyfoam. 

Size and shape are also essential factors to consider when choosing a premium bed wedge pillow. They come in different heights, widths, and angles to suit different sleeping positions and preferences. Some pillows also have a curved shape to provide targeted support for specific body parts, such as the neck, back, and legs. 

Additional features of DreamSupport premium bed wedge pillow may include adjustable height and angle settings, machine-washable covers, and hypoallergenic properties. These features can further enhance the pillow's comfort and convenience, making it easier to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed. 

Investing in a premium bed wedge pillow can make a significant difference in your sleep quality and overall health. In the next section, we'll explore the benefits of using a premium bed wedge pillow for pressure relief and comfort.

bed wedge pillow

Benefits of Using a Premium Bed Wedge Pillow for Pressure Relief and Comfort

As much as we love our beds, the reality is that they're not the most ergonomic place to spend a third of our lives. Without proper support, sleeping can lead to discomfort, stiffness, and all kinds of aches and pains. That's why investing in DreamSupport premium bed wedge pillow for pressure relief and comfort can make all the difference.

For starters, using a bed wedge pillow can alleviate pressure on your spine and neck, helping to reduce pain and discomfort. By elevating the upper body, the pillow can also improve blood circulation, which can help stave off numbness and cramping. 

But the benefits don't stop there. If you or your partner are prone to snoring, a bed wedge pillow can help reduce or eliminate it altogether. That's because sleeping with your head elevated can help open up airways, making breathing easier and less noisy.

Those who suffer from lung conditions like asthma or COPD can also benefit from using a bed wedge pillow. By elevating the upper body, the pillow can help release pressure on the lungs, making breathing easier and less strained.

If you're someone who struggles with acid reflux or heartburn, you know how miserable it can be to try and sleep through those symptoms. But by elevating the upper body, a bed wedge pillow can help keep stomach acid where it belongs - in your stomach. This can help minimize symptoms and allow you to get a better night's rest.

Last but not least, using a bed wedge pillow can help improve the overall quality of your sleep. By keeping your upper body elevated at a comfortable angle, you'll be able to drift off more easily and stay asleep longer. So if you've been struggling to get comfortable at night, give a bed wedge pillow a try - your body will thank you!

How to Choose the Right Bed Wedge Pillow?

Consider Your Sleeping Position: When looking for the right bed wedge pillow, there are several factors you should consider to ensure maximum comfort and support. Consider your sleeping position. Different wedge pillows are designed for different sleeping positions, such as side, back, or stomach sleepers. 

Check Material and Durability of Bed WedgeAnother important factor to consider is the material and durability of the pillow. Checking the quality of the material and the overall durability of the pillow ensures that it will last and provide long-lasting comfort and support.

Angle and Height Adjustability: The angle and height adjustability of the pillow are crucial factors to consider. The angle determines the level of incline, while the height determines the level of elevation. These features help to alleviate pressure on the spine, neck, and lungs, improving blood circulation and reducing snoring. 

Bed Wedge Pillow Cover and DesignLastly, consider the pillow cover and design. Opt for a pillow cover that is easy to clean and remove, ensuring hygiene and convenience. Additionally, choose a design that matches your bedroom decor and personal style.

When choosing a bed wedge pillow, make sure it meets your unique needs and preferences. Don't just go for a popular brand or the one everyone is raving about. Consider your body type, sleeping habits, and medical conditions. With a bit of research and trial and error, you can find the perfect bed wedge pillow to help you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

Tips for Using a Premium Bed Wedge Pillow with Maximum Comfort

Using a bed wedge pillow for pressure relief and comfort can do wonders for your sleep, but it's important to use it correctly for maximum benefits. Positioning the pillow correctly is crucial to avoid strain on your neck and back, so make sure it is placed under your upper back and head. Finding the optimum height and angle may take some time, so start with a lower angle and adjust accordingly. Using the right pillow cover and accessories can also add to your comfort, so choose a cover that is soft and breathable. Maintaining the pillow's cleanliness is also important, so make sure to wash the cover regularly and let the pillow air out. With these tips, you'll be able to get the most out of your bed wedge pillow and enjoy a good night's sleep!


DreamSupport Premium Bed Wedge Pillow is a must-have in every household! Its benefits range from relieving pressure on the spine, neck, and lungs, reducing snoring, and improving sleep quality to alleviating acid reflux and heartburn. It's not just a pillow; it's a multi-purpose sleep support system! Remember to choose a pillow that fits your needs, consider your sleeping position, and check the materials, angles, and height adjustability. With the correct positioning and optimum angle, say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to sound and restful sleep. The Premium Bed Wedge Pillow promotes peaceful sleep and better health, making it an excellent investment for a happier and healthier life.
