Blog What Is the Average Life of a Mobility Scooter? Let us find out!

Sun, 10/23/2022 - 16:35

Just how long does the average mobility scooter last? With regular servicing, a mobility scooter can serve its owner decades after purchase. A week ago, a friend remarked that he was considering buying a mobility scooter but was concerned about its durability.

Having worked with mobility scooters for a long time, we know all there is to know about their lifespans and how they should be maintained, which we have compiled here. Continue reading!

How Long Should Mobility Scooters Last?

A mobility scooter has a lifespan of up to five years with proper care and maintenance. Since you will be relying on the mobility aid, adequate upkeep is essential to ensure it serves its purpose.

Most motorized scooter manufacturers include a user manual explaining how to get the most out of the device. Therefore, if you strictly adhere to the manual, you may expect years of trouble-free service from your electric mobility scooter.

What Is the Average Life of a Mobility Scooter Battery?

Good quality electric wheelchairs can be used for up to an hour before the battery needs to be recharged. You could have gone anywhere from six to ten miles within that time.

Heavy-duty battery-operated mobility aids can be used continuously for an entire day without recharging. However, the type of battery, the number of batteries, and the size of the batteries all have a role in determining the actual increase in usable time.

How To Improve a Mobility Scooter's Lifespan?

Those who have trouble getting around can go around with the help of a motorized scooter and keep their active lifestyle. Therefore, you should adhere to the prescribed operating practices to lessen the frequency of your mobility scooter experiences breakdowns.

Here are some suggestions to help you keep your power chair in peak shape.

1. Keep the Device Clean

Regular use usually results in the mobility aid's look becoming filthy. After some time, the buildup of dirt and grime will reduce its efficacy, necessitating expensive maintenance. The best technique for keeping your equipment clean is to use a damp cotton cloth to wipe off the exterior components whenever necessary. Using compressed air, check for hairs stuck in the wheel axles and blow away dirt.

2. Have Regular Maintenance Sessions golden techologies GL111D Literider Scooter three wheels usable in a tight space

The owner must take responsibility for the upkeep of their mobility device if they want to maximize its service life. Maintaining anything regularly, depending on how often you use it, can help you catch problems early on and fix them quickly.

Participating in these discussions determines whether buying a new battery or new tires is more cost-effective. Also, if you plan on replacing the batteries in your scooter, do so with care and invest in high-quality components to forestall any issues shortly.

3. Avoid Stressing the Scooter

It is best to take it easy on the scooter, as that could cause damage. There are many ways in which mobility scooter users can damage their devices, such as by carrying more than is safe or traveling over unsuitable surfaces. Manufacturers often list the maximum user weight for mobility scooters.

Scooter motors are already under stress from regular use, and riding through bumpy terrain adds to that stress. You can avoid the abovementioned stressors if you keep to the recommended weights and stick to flat roads.

Riding the scooter in hazardous conditions, such as through large puddles, might short out its electrical components and render it useless. Some scooters can tolerate becoming wet, but even those are less useful afterward.

4. Ensure Excellent Battery Health

Most electric wheelchairs and scooters run 24 volts and employ a serial circuit design. Mobility scooter batteries come in various types, including gel and absorbent glass matt (AGM) batteries.

The mobility scooter's battery should always be kept at a high charge level, not just when you are not using it. This way, the batteries can continue to perform at their highest capacity without requiring regular recharging.

Tips for Improving a Scooter's Battery Lifespan

One of the key parts to inspect when trying to extend the life of your scooter is the battery. Thus, if you want your scooter battery to survive longer on a single charge, you must use it in the most efficient way possible.

Here are a few tips to help you get more use out of your battery.

1. Never Discharge the Unit Fully

It will help to keep your device's battery at an adequate charge level. However, the battery unit will eventually wear out because most occasional users will push their wheelchairs until the battery can no longer charge completely.

2. Avoid Overcharging the Battery

It's possible to overcharge the scooter's battery if plugged into the charger for too long. Newer types of scooter chargers include overcharge protection as standard, although some older ones may not.

3. Have a Proper Storage Strategy

The best way to prolong your battery-powered scooter's life is to keep it in a dry, cool place while not in use. Batteries can be damaged by prolonged exposure to temperatures below freezing or over boiling.

4. Maintain Decent Speeds

While most daily riders may need to zip around town, doing so at high speeds quickly drains the scooter's battery. It would help if you did not go too slowly, but not too fast, on the scooter, as rapid acceleration and deceleration may drain your gadget's battery life.


The question of how long a mobility scooter should last stumps many people who are shopping for medical aid. You want to choose mobility assistance that will not break the bank but will last long. However, the longevity of the device's service depends on your diligence in maintaining it. By following these tips, your scooter and its battery will serve you for many more years than they otherwise would have.
