Blog Important Tips and Guide for New Wheelchair Users

Mon, 05/02/2022 - 18:01

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Learn How to Use a Wheelchair Safely

If you are new to using a wheelchair, learning how to use it correctly is essential. Here are some important tips and guidelines that will help you use your wheelchair safely:

Sit Properly

To use your wheelchair appropriately, you must know how to sit correctly. A correct posture reduces stress on other body parts and avoids pressure points. Therefore, make sure to align your body from head to toe while sitting. Your chosen wheelchair must also be well-designed with a comfortable seat that can provide you comfort.

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Even if you are using a wheelchair, maintaining a healthy diet is crucial. Avoiding unhealthy eating habits will enhance your comfort and health and keep your mind away from stress. A healthy diet contains fresh fruits, vegetables, and a proper intake of fresh juices.

Avoid Sleeping on Your Chair

Your wheelchair is not a place to sleep. Sleeping in a wheelchair can harm you badly because it is not an ideal or proper posture. You can fall out of your chair and experience neck ache, among other things. Make sure to go to your bed to sleep.

Ask for Help

Asking for help from someone is very difficult for most people. However, knowing your limits and asking for help with things you cannot do is essential. This will prevent severe injuries in the future. If you want help doing something, you can ask for help from your family, friends, and neighbors. 

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is crucial to maintain your physical and mental ability. You should do light exercise every day, as your therapist recommends, which will help you strengthen your muscles. if you do not have it may be a good idea to work with a physical therapist who can guide you on what to do and what not to do, or watch videos online to get suggestions.

Sit in a Group of Other Wheelchair Users

Talking to other wheelchair users who face daily difficulties and challenges is therapeutic. You can share your experience, and difficulties, and get some useful suggestions to make you're a little bit easier.

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Maintain Proper Hygiene

Maintaining cleanliness is crucial to keeping yourself away from diseases. Therefore, make sure to maintain proper hygiene, even if it is not easy to bathe in a wheelchair daily.

Avoid Injurious Things

Avoid addictive habits that can harm your health. In conclusion, following these tips and maintaining your physical and mental health can help you live your life normally as a wheelchair user.
